Halo Ocean Echo System

HOES Halo Ocean Echo System is an IP hydrophone bringing the expertise and technology into the unique mega-yacht market. Halo has many years experience in underwater acoustics and sonar. Our sonars have been detecting and localising mammals on active vessels. Mammal detection hydrophones have been used in the defense/military industry on warships and submarines for decades to protect marine wildlife from exposure to sonar.

Beyond Mammal detection the HOES Halo Ocean Echo System has a number of potential applications such as:

Machine/engine health monitoring
– Depending on the vessel, the system identifies when components are faulty or are malfunctioning by sensing changes in frequencies and abnormal vibrations.
– Threat Detection.
– Mammal triangulation.
– Mammal species detection.

Ocean playback
– A record and play function saves the audio file as a commonly recognised format for listening back at a later date, or sending to guests & families.
– To immerse guests and passengers, the sound from the system can be played back through external speakers live, as they happen.

For a detailed product overview of the Halo Ocean Echo System and other advanced security solutions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to provide comprehensive information tailored to your specific needs and requirements.